Home Info

Click the images below to view the various style collections.

What's the difference between styles, patterns, & textures? Styles use patterns, textures, gradients, colors, and lots of great special effects to achieve very unique results such as multiple dimensions, metallics, sparkles & glitter, luminescence & glowing haloes, textured & reflected surfaces, refracted & shadowed lighting, and so much more. Patterns (color) and textures (black & white) can be used to create styles or independently to enhance your text and images.










Terms of Use:
All presets in this collection can be used for personal or commercial use for any project. Our only restrictions are this: No redistribution (sharing with friends and/or colleagues) or sales of our presets (individually, within kits, or other collections) are allowed; i.e., no pirating. Hey guys, our prices are so low, they're almost free, and if we can't make a minimal profit (at least enough to pay for the site), this site will disappear. So please, if you want this site to always be around, then don't share. Thanks so much for your support.
















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Send questions or comments about this web site to JD@julesavenue.com; Copyright © 2010 Jules Avenue; Last modified: May 18, 2013